The truth about Anti-depressants

People think that once you’re on medication you are absolutely fine, all your worries go away and your cured. Unfortunately that isn’t how it works.

Even though someone is on antidepressants  (like Sertraline… ) they’re still suffering from depression, anxiety.etc. For someone who needs it, you absolutely cannot cope without meds and all they do is make the harshness go away a little, so it’s about nearly manageable.

I know this was short but I guess it’s just to the point. But what I guess I’m trying to say is don’t think that someone isn’t going through a lot just because they’re on meds. X


New Years Resolutions!

Seeing as its January we thought we’d do a post on our new years resolutions, and how they are going so far. 🙂


I don’t  normally have New Years resolutions mainly because I never really have time to sit down and think about them. But I thought my one this year should be making the best of everyday, seeing my friends more and just having more fun. I also want to get better at cheer so I can make the highest possible team next season and make my coaches proud.


I guess my main resolution this year is to work on my self care. I’ve never been very good at saying ‘no’ and thinking about what would be best for my health. That’s the main reason I’ve decided to take a break from sports; where normally I try to ignore injuries and carry on anyway, my body needs time to heal so I need to allow it to do that, which isn’t easy for me! It’s meant I’ve had to leave my job which was very sport related, but I’m taking some time for myself and trying to find another job which causes me less physical pain. I love being active but I’m trying to find good compromises and balance, and it seems to be going okay so far 🙂

We’d love to hear your New Years resolutions and how they’re going, and as always feel free to drop us a message if you have any suggestions or anything!

F&L xx


Hey guys!

Long time no see…

We wanted to do an update to tell you what we’ve been up to – we’ve both been really busy so lately we haven’t been able to post.


I’ve been doing quite a bit of charity work and stuff lately which is great, I’ve had a few sports injuries so have had to take some time off from being so active, which is frustrating, but necessary so I can start cheer later in the year. I’ve also now started with adults’ mental health services which has been quite rocky as things didn’t go quite to plan, but I seem to be getting settled now so will keep updating (hopefully!). I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year 🙂


I’ve been going to a lot of cheer practices as its nearly time to start comps, and been taking extra tumbling to help. I’m going into more lesson now so that has been taking up a lot of my energy as well as the sports. Also I’ve recently got at the top of the waiting list for CAMHS so am starting with a new psychologist finally and working on a range of new things. xox

Together we have been working on a dance to perform at a mental health presentation, which is going really well and is fun. Normally the performances shown at the presentation are quite miserable so we’ve made an extra effort to make ours more upbeat and happy. Lils recently got a puppy that we love to play with and who cheers us both up, so we’ve been spending a lot of time with her. We’ve also been taking trips to cute little cafes and have had our fair share of Starbucks!

Feel free to give any suggestions of things you would want us to write about.

L&F x

My Future Plans

I’ve always been able to have a rough idea of what I want to do when I’m older (further education etc), even though sometimes it changes. I want to be able to look back on this post when I’m older and see how it changes.

Firstly I’m in GCSE’S at the moment.

What I want to have done by the end of secondary school

i want to at least get 5 passes on my GCSE (including maths, English and science) so I can get into college.

i really want to be on the prom committee for year 11 prom.

I want to still be doing cheerleading. Hopefully on Starlets or Unity.

6th form college

i really want to go to 6th form college and there I think I want to study something out of…

psychology, performing arts, film studies, dance and textiles.

for complimentary subjects I would be thinking of…

Dance, English, Spanish…


im not sure if I want to take a gap year yet  it depends if I have things I can be doing or not i guess.

i haven’t really looked around at university’s yet at all obviously but a rough idea of what I want to do would be…

stage management/production, children’s psychology…

i would really like to go to a uni that has an all star cheer team. I know that Kington University has one ( Kingston Cougars ) and that’s the ‘sister team’ of the    team I’m on now.


when im older I’ve only got few ideas really of what I want to do.

Wedding planning, conventions, children’s art therapy, textiles for tv/film/theatre…

– Lils💖


Mental Health Services Have Failed Me

It’s been a couple of months now since I aged out of children’s mental health services and was meant to move into adults services. For the past two months, I have heard nothing from the adults services other than ‘be patient, someone will be in touch’. 

How is that okay? I was with children’s mental health services for the best part of two years, and have now had to adjust to having no support from services at all. The transfer was supposed to be smooth and undisruptive. It could not have been more opposite. I struggle with a few different mental illnesses, and was feeling like I was just starting to manage them a bit better, but since having been discharged, I have just gone straight downhill again. All that hard work I put in has been undone because of a lack of funding, resources, and to be honest a lack of organisation. 

If mental health services can’t be bothered to help me, then why should I be bothered to help myself? Why is it that things have to reach crisis point in order to get even the smallest bit of attention?

I don’t know what will happen. I don’t know if I will end up getting support, or if I’ll have to deal with everything myself because apparently my age from one day to the next determines my ability to cope. If people were taken seriously and given attention when they first ask for help, things wouldn’t have to get so bad. People wouldn’t have to feel so hopeless. 

Opinions towards mental health and mental health services have to change. The question is, how many people have to be failed before that happens?

– F

How cheerleading has taken my mind off of everything.

OCD and anxiety rule my life. It takes a lot to calm me even the slightest. I can’t concentrate on anything without having an intrusive thought, having no motivation to even move or getting really anxious about something.

But cheerleading help me with that. Wether I’m a base, back or flyer. In the moment, all I focus on is the routine. I’ll chat with my friends I’ve made that don’t judge and who make me happy. There’s a lot of stereotypes however over cheerleaders, you imagine mean girls who bully. But that’s not really true, we’re all a family, we help each other as a team and as best friends.

Having something to get excited about and work on at home is good too. Somehow my confidence is better when I’m around them. It’s not so embarrassing when we fall and stumble, we all have fun with it.

But it’s mainly taught me that everyone fails before they succeed. Some people find it harder to get Back up but the more that you try, the better you’ll become a success.


Why me?

Why did this all have to happen to me? I don’t think I’ve done anything to deserve this. I wish everything was easier, maybe I would do better in school and not feel so bad all the time.

Why do people have to make fun of my illness? I know that you can’t see it but it doesn’t mean we are making everything up and overreacting.

Why do I always feel alone despite having people to be with? I don’t believe I deserve  anything at all. Mental illness is complicated, you can’t just snap out of it.

It’s a lot of pressure on myself when people say I’ll be okay. I really don’t know if I’m ready to go through everything.

All I want is to have one perfect day. xx


Low mood and Depression

I feel lost and numb. I don’t know how to explain it. I don’t want to go anywhere. I just want to be alone and don’t have any effort to do anything. I can’t even cry. I want to let everything out but I just can’t. I feel like no one wants to see me either now because I’m a pain and find it so hard to reply to messages. But no one gets it. I don’t see a way out anymore. I just want to give up. I don’t know what to do with myself.

From personal experience I know not to keep these things locked away. Ask for help. There should be no shame in this but society makes us feel silly and hopeless for admitting that we are suffering. No one should have to feel this way, you’re not alone if you do and I’m sorry that you’re going through this. You might well relapse in recovery and have to listen to the horrible untrue jokes about mental disorders but you can beat this. I hope one day I won’t have to sit silent when people joke about mental illness – I hope no one will say these jokes at all.

Please speak out and end the stigma.




Trying To Untangle Who I Am From My Mental Illness

For a while now, I’ve struggled with various mental illnesses, and have been lucky enough to have an incredible support network of some amazing people.

I’ve been told “we will win” and that people are on my side, and I have no words to explain how grateful I am for this. But the thing is, that makes it sound like I’m fighting another person; another tangible being that can be destroyed. I have people standing behind me, but in that way they must also be standing behind the evils consuming my brain. Because ultimately, the battle is between myself and myself. The illnesses and I are one and the same, and it’s a strange concept to think you need to win a battle with yourself.

How can it be that the you that laughs and jokes and smiles is simultaneously the you that cries and shouts and has meltdowns? That the you that never runs out of nice things to say about others cannot think of a single nice thing about yourself?

Through the encouragement and support of others, it’s suggested that illness is somehow a separate, external existence. A fellow boxer in the opposite corner of the ring.

It would be easier if it was this way.

Instead, mental illness is a parasite. A non-physical, intangible idea that somehow manages to steal from you the things you love and care about most. Mental illness are I are one and the same, and it’s often near impossible to distinguish what is me and what is the parasite. I call into question whether we are in fact identifiable as separate. Surely anything in my brain is automatically me, because I am my brain.

But then I realise that those thoughts; the hateful, negative, self-deprecating thoughts are not me. I am a positive, upbeat, joyful person. I enjoy spending time with my friends, doing sports, eating nice foods and experiencing new things. I love learning and laughing and encouraging people to be the best they can be. So how has something so opposite to this become such a large part of my identity? But how can I in fact “win” against something that is inside of me, part of me? By battling this parasite, I seem to be battling myself. That is a strange concept. Something completely un-me has merged with what I believe to be me and I don’t know how to separate them. How do I keep the parts I like while destroying the parts I do not?

Maybe that’s not the point though. Perhaps these parts can come together to create a super-me. One that is able to empathise with others because I am able to greater understand their pain. I always understood “winning” against mental illness as eradicating it; killing it. But perhaps it’s not about fighting, or battling, or destroying. Perhaps it’s about twisting, and accepting, and utilising. If I see this parasite not as something I must beat, but something that is there to improve me, it can become a positive part of myself. I can manipulate the negativity into a lesson. It has, in fact, taught me the power of a kind word. How many incredible people I have in my life. That struggling sucks, but when you think you’re being buried you may instead be being planted. That I am stronger than I thought. That I can’t be beaten.

So thank you to the people in my corner, the people telling me I will win. Because I will. But maybe winning doesn’t look like defeating. Perhaps winning looks like learning, and improving, and using. Like accepting this parasite and allowing it to become part of me, so that I can bring it out when someone else is struggling with their own parasite.

You’re right, I will win, and I am endlessly grateful to you all for remaining in my corner through thick and thin. But I’m not letting this parasite leave until it’s given me something. Something I can use to help others in the same way you have helped me.

I will not be beaten.

To The People Who Use Mental Illnesses As Adjectives

Dear You,

I know you don’t mean to do it, that you would never want to cause offence. You’re just unaware, you don’t understand the impact your words have on someone like me, so that is why I am taking the time to write to you.

Because the thing is, you don’t see the knife that jabs into the pit of my stomach every time you say “I’m a bit OCD about that,” or when you joke about someone having depression because they’re upset. Maybe you do have OCD, and maybe that person does have depression, but using these terms in such a casual, throw away manner just increases the stigma and makes us feel even worse. It belittles the true pain of mental illness, reinforcing the idea that it is something one can just ‘get over’.

I see and hear it time and time again. You like your bed to be made in the morning, so you have OCD. You get nervous before an important event so you have anxiety. You are sad when your favourite band breaks up, therefore you have depression.

But there’s a fine difference between claiming you have these debilitating illnesses and having the feeling of these things in response to external stimuli.

For example, you may in fact be slightly obsessive about making your bed, however it is unlikely you will have an absolute meltdown because you didn’t get to make your bed this morning so something bad is going to happen to the people you love and it will be all your fault because you should have woken up earlier to make your bed properly so next time you spend longer and longer and longer and it’s never good enough because how can you ever be good enough to protect the people you love?

You get anxious before a test, fair enough. But please don’t claim you have severe anxiety because of the butterflies in your stomach. Feeling anxious for a limited period of time is just that; ‘feeling’ anxious. And that isn’t to say that it is any less valid, but it is not the same as having an anxiety disorder.

Life can be hard sometimes, but joking about being depressed or suicidal can hurt people in ways you would never even know. Depression can be devastating, debilitating, and affects so many people in a much deeper way than you would ever realise. Feeling down is not the same as feeling the true effects of depression. I truly hope you never come to know the difference between the two.

I know you don’t mean it. The comments you make are due to a lack of awareness rather than a lack of caring. That’s why I’m telling you this now. You’re not a bad person, but through greater understanding you can become a greater person. The fact that you read this makes that clear.

Thank you.


Your Friend With Mental Illness